A General Guide About the Flu

Since they both share similar symptoms, colds and the flu are frequently confused; nevertheless, the flu is far more severe than a common cold. Though the viruses that cause them are different, they are both contagious. 

Due to their similar symptoms, it can still be challenging to distinguish between the two, but the cold rarely causes major health issues while the flu sometimes does.

What Does the Flu Feel Like?

The flu or also known as influenza by doctors is a virus that is contagious and it starts to make you feel worse quickly, rather than over time. Having the flu can make you feel tired and not want to move around much. 

You can get a high fever and your body will start to ache, along with your muscles aching as well. It will get you feeling drained, even after the symptoms of the flu have gone but this would only last for a few weeks. 

Symptoms of Flu

The flu symptoms would normally have an effect suddenly and the most common symptoms are:

  • High fever / Feeling chills
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue

There are some people who are at a higher risk of developing serious complications related to the flu, even though everyone can get sick with the flu. 

Those who fall within this category include those who are 65 years of age or older, those who have certain chronic medical issues, pregnant women, and kids under the age of five.

Does Flu Go Away On Its Own?

Even though you may be feeling like it is the end of the world when you get the flu, it would usually go away in a week or more. People at high risk may develop certain health complications like pneumonia. 

The people who have had a flu shot, symptoms may not last as long as five to seven days and will not be so severe. The best thing to do if you get the flu is to get plenty of rest and keep yourself hydrated with plenty of fluids.

To prevent yourself from getting the flu, there are certain things that you can do such as:

  • Wear a face mask when out in public.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, mouth, or face when outside.
  • Make sure to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

Stay safe and healthy always! To get your flu shot today, you can contact us at Ranchland Pharmacy today. Our pharmacists know what you need based on your age and medical history.

Visit our website for more details or to inquire about how to get your flu shot today!