Ranchlands Pharmacy and Travel Clinic in Calgary NW, puts professional healthcare within reach of every community member of Calgary. Medication prescriptions, heart health support, over the counter antibiotics and many more services are provided here at Ranchlands Pharmacy in Calgary NW, which redefines pharmacy care by ensuring that expert medical advice, health advice and support becomes more available, affordable and accessible to those in need. Our stores are available with a coverage of local communities in every part of Calgary, delivering customer focused professional healthcare experience based on medical advice and information to improve better outcomes of health benefits.

4-7750 Ranchview Dr NW
Calgary, Alberta T3G 1Y9
Manager – Arshad Mahmood
Pharmacy License No – 2749
Pharmacist License No – 6253

Licensed by
Alberta College of Pharmacy
1100-8215 112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6G2CB
Tel : 780-990-0321, Fax: 780-990-0328
Alberta Patient Concern Poster
The licensee is required to provide on the request of a patient, the name and practice permit number of any regulated member who provides a pharmacy service to the patient or who engages in the practice of pharmacy with respect to a patient.